Since our launch of Brunel is Happy to Chat, we’ve given away over 500 badges on campus. Please do let me know if you’ve seen our Happy to Chat badges being worn around campus!
To make Brunel a friendlier, kinder and more inclusive community, we’ve introduced Happy to Chat on campus. Take a look at the video to find out how Happy to Chat works.
What does a Happy to Chat badge mean?
If you see someone wearing a Happy to Chat badge, this means they’re open to starting a new conversation with you. So, why not come over and approach them for a chat because research shows that talking to strangers make people happier!
Want to pick up a Happy to Chat badge for yourself?
You can pick up a badge from Bite (Starbucks, Eastern Gateway) and 1966 (Costa). There are also badges in different languages to include all students.
Anything else to look out for?
Hmmm, we are giving away Happy to Chat stickers in different languages and currently printing Happy to Chat badges in 26 different languages for talented students, who can happy to chat in Urdu, French, Polish, Arabic, Chinese…(the list continues)! Hopefully you will be able to collect these new badges next week and wear them proudly.

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