


Risk mitigation card

Here you can download the Risk mitigation card, which we encourage everyone to carry one with them, while participating in Happy to Chat. The risk mitigation card provides information about local points of contact and safety haven, should anyone feel unsafe in any conversations.


Helpline leaflets

Here you can find our Helpline leaflets – there are 10 different characters, showing that everyone can participate in Happy to Chat regardless their gender, age, ethnicity or religion. In each leaflet, 7 emergency helplines were identified for participants, if they feel someone needs help.

Our Videos

Happy to Chat Tips Sharing

Happy to Chat
Happy to Chat
Happy to Chat
Happy to Chat


Different Design of Badges

Here you can download various designs to print your own Happy to Chat badges. Happy to Chat Badges are inclusive; hence we provided many different designs here to indicate various conversation topics, from gardening, pets to bake off. When wearing the badge, you are sending a message to others that you are happy to be greeted, approached and have a chat.


10 characters

Here you can download png files of 10 characters, and the Happy to Chat stickers for printing.


Happy to Chat posters

We designed different posters for different events, including the Happy to Chat New Year event, Happy to Chat feedback session, Pavilions Happy to Chat Day, etc. You can download the templates here for your own use.



You can find our Happy to Chat table cards and Roller banner here.