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We are delighted to invite Brunel University London’s students and staff to join our first on-campus Happy to Chat event.
From 11:30am to 2:30pm, you can drop in for some pizza and a soft drink, while enjoying a conversation with other Brunel students and staff, as one big community.
Meanwhile, we will be giving away multi-language Happy to Chat badges. So hopefully, everyone can find a badge that says Happy to Chat in one’s own mother tongue, in addition to English!
So pop over to the Michael Stirling Building’s Atrium on January 23rd for our third Brunel is Happy to Chat event! We can’t wait to meet you and hear all about your holiday, as well as your new year resolutions and wishes over some yummy pizza! We will aslo also bring some board games to play so that we can have a laugh together!
Together, we are fostering a friendly and inclusive community for both students and staff, promoting wellbeing for everyone!
Looking forward to seeing you there.