
Category: Happy to Chat Research

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Brunel Research Festival / Jamboree

Reflecting on the Recent Research Festival: Insights and Connections with Happy to Chat We recently had the pleasure of attending a vibrant research festival event, and we must say, it was an enlightening and enriching experience. This event, a gathering of brilliant minds and passionate individuals,

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Spring is Here, Summer is around the Corner!

Hey there, fellow weather watchers and social butterflies! Can you feel it? That subtle change in the air that signals the transition from spring to summer in the UK? It’s like nature’s own way of saying, “Hey, let’s switch things up a bit!” Here at Happy

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Happy people

Celebrating a Year of Connection: Happy to Chat Badge 2023 Highlights

An reflection of the milestones achieved by the Happy to Chat badge movement in 2023.

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Smiling face while taking part in Happy to Chat

Embrace the Joy of Connecting: Happy to Chat without Worries!

In a world that’s becoming increasingly interconnected, it’s ironic that many of us find it challenging to strike up conversations with strangers. We often worry about our conversation skills and fear the awkwardness that may ensue. One recent study on the topic of talking to strangers

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A keynote speech on Happy to Chat at MSP Conference at Newcastle University Business School

As I stood before the lively audience at the MSP Conference in Newcastle University Business School, I couldn’t help but feel super excited and grateful. Getting the chance to talk about Happy to Chat ( in my keynote was absolutely amazing, and I loved sharing my

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