
Embrace the Joy of Connecting: Happy to Chat without Worries!

Smiling face while taking part in Happy to Chat

In a world that’s becoming increasingly interconnected, it’s ironic that many of us find it challenging to strike up conversations with strangers. We often worry about our conversation skills and fear the awkwardness that may ensue.

One recent study on the topic of talking to strangers reveals that there are several types of fears associated with talking to strangers. People worry about having conversations with strangers for three key reasons. These concerns are 1) not able to enjoy the conversation; 2) not like or being liked by the conversation partners; 3) lack of conversation skills (on both sides) (Sandstrom & Boothby, 2021).

Nevertheless, research shows that people’s fears are overblown because the results show that conversations with strangers tend to be much more enjoyable, exceeding people’s expectations.  In this blog post, we want to address concerns about conversation competency, and encourage you to embrace the joy of connecting through Happy to Chat.

First, it is important to understand the worry.

It’s natural for most people to feel a bit apprehensive when initiating conversations with strangers. Not all of us are born “chatterboxes”, we question our abilities, worry about judgment, and fear rejection. Our conversation competency anxiety stems from the desire to make a good impression, maintain engaging dialogues, and avoid uncomfortable silences. However, it’s crucial to recognise that everyone experiences this to some extent, making it a shared concern.

Second, explain to yourself why you shouldn’t worry.

Authenticity Over Perfection:

Happy to Chat emphasises authenticity over polished conversation skills. The focus is on connecting through genuine interactions, where imperfections are welcome. Remember, it’s the sincerity behind the words that truly matters.

Building Confidence:

Whether it is 10 minutes per day or 10 minutes per week during your shopping trips, walks in the park or while waiting in the queue, you’ll gradually build your conversation skills and confidence when participating in Happy to Chat. Every conversation is an opportunity to learn, grow, and connect with the diverse tapestry of human experiences. As you engage with different individuals, you’ll realise that conversations become easier and flows naturally, and your worries will fade away.

Positive Ripple Effects:

Your decision to overcome conversation competency anxiety and participate in Happy to Chat can have a profound impact. Your conversations may inspire others to do the same, creating a ripple effect of kindness and connection. By spreading joy and positivity, together, we contribute to making the world a better place, one conversation at a time. I always feel that every interaction holds the potential to brighten someone’s day (if not my own!) and ignite a spark of positivity.

So, take that first step, say “Hello,” and let the magic of connections unfold. Check out the Happy to Chat videos for inspiration, and remember that the joy of conversing with strangers far outweighs any concerns you may have about conversation competency.

Join the movement, spread smiles, and discover the incredible stories waiting to be shared. Let’s make the world a happier place, one conversation at a time!

Note: Remember to always prioritise personal safety and exercise caution when engaging with strangers. Happy to Chat is about fostering positive connections, but it’s important to trust your instincts and prioritise your well-being. If you encountered someone who is experiencing issues of mental health and might need a bit more support, you can follow Naomi’s advice here.


Sandstrom, G.M. and Boothby, E.J., 2021. Why do people avoid talking to strangers? A mini meta-analysis of predicted fears and actual experiences talking to a stranger. Self and Identity20(1), pp.47-71.

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