
A lovely Day at Brunel Ageing Research Festival.

We had a brilliant time promoting Happy to Chat at Brunel University London during its Ageing Research Festival this week. Many older people dropped in to find out what types of ageing research that we are doing in Brunel. Our Happy to Chat stand also received many visitors. People explored and discussed with us what Happy to Chat stands for and where they could possible wear the badges during their daily commutes, park walks or weekly shopping trips. Afterwards, 22 people decided to take part in our research and let us know what they think about Happy to Chat after their trial for 2-3 months. Some other people were a bit unsure about wearing the badges. This is because they did not feel like they would have time to talk with strangers much or they would like to decide which strangers that they would feel comfortable to talk to. Even so, people still felt Happy to Chat is a very good initiative, since Happy to Chat helps promote a positive community spirit, which contributes to better mental wellbeing. Anyway, whether signing up to take part in our study or not, everyone we spoke to took some badges away and wished us best of luck! Some of our Happy to Chat champions also dropped by to check on us. They gave us their encouragement and shared their recent Happy to Chat stories and experiences with us. It was lovely seeing and catching up with them this week! Again, extra badges were picked up by our champions so they could spread the love of Happy to Chat with others.

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