
We met the Mayor at Bell farm!

In our fast-paced and digitally driven world, maintaining good mental health has become more crucial than ever. This is why Happy to Chat wants to promote conversations amongst people in the community.

Using nudge theory to facilitate conversations amongst strangers, Happy to Chat helps make social connections easier for everyone. While our preliminary findings show that participating in Happy to Chat makes people happier, less lonely and less anxious, we also realised that we need more people to understand and participate in Happy to Chat together. This is why we happily accepted the invite by our supportive project partner, Health4ALL to attend their Hillingdon Bell Farm Roadshow last Thursday!

We had fun attending the Hillingdon Bell Farm Roadshow and gave away 35 packs to people who came to this event. Hopefully they will be chatting to people while wearing our Happy to Chat badges, enjoying this weekend’s fabulous weather. We also received heart-warming encouragement from the Hillingdon Council Mayor, who thought Happy to Chat is a great idea and a fantastic social movement!

The importance of human connection in maintaining good mental health cannot be overstated. So why not take part in Happy to Chat, making yourself and others around you happier, less lonely and less anxious?

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