
March 12th – Uxbridge Library is Happy to Chat

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  • March 12th - Uxbridge Library is Happy to Chat
Happy to Chat

Uxbridge Library is Happy to Chat

Spring is in the air, and we are back in Uxbridge to promote conversations and co-create more inclusive community. 

  • What are we offering this time?  

A nice cup of tea (or coffee!) You can also pick up a free Happy to Chat badges and some stickers to use and share!

  • Why are we doing this?

We would like to make Uxbridge Library a friendly and inclusive place for everyone. Hence we are promoting “talking to each other” here.

  • When can you find us?

From 1:30 to 4:30 pm, you can drop in anytime for a hot drink, while enjoying a conversation with each other, as one big community.

  • What can you bring with you?

A lovely smile will do! 

  • Why should you participate?  Hmmm… by coming over to this event and talking to each other, we are together fostering a friendly and inclusive community for all of us, in our neighbourhood community! Together, let’s promoting wellbeing and co-create a nicer & more supportive environment for everyone!

    Looking forward to seeing you there.